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All you want to know about TS EAMCET 2022 Engineering Counselling

Spark Blogs

Updated: Jul 23, 2022

Finally, the much-awaited EAMCET 2021 results are out Check here. For official Counseling related info click here

Spark Academy 2021 Result:

Rank analysis has been explained below:

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Now that the TS EAMCET 2021 results are announced, it is now time for the most important phase of the journey- counselling. This is a process which is to be followed to get a seat in Engineering Colleges.

The first phase of counselling of TS EAMCET 2021 will commence from August 30th 2021. Firstly, the candidates will have to register themselves for TS EAMCET counselling 2021 at the designated helpline centres followed by the verification of documents. All of the candidates have to participate in TS EAMCET 2021 counselling process to be allotted into the BE/B.Tech seats of the participating institutes. The seats will be allotted based on the performance of the candidates in his/her examination and their choice of colleges/courses along with the seat availability. Here is the step by step procedure to be followed during counselling.

Step 1- Registration: The first step of TS EAMCET counselling 2021 is registration. The candidates will be able to have to visit the Helpline centres to register themselves and verify their documents.

  • All of the qualified candidates will have to visit designated Helpline Centers according to their ranks.

  • The rank card has to be given to the officer on duty and the candidates will have to register themselves.

  • After paying the processing fee, the candidates will have to register themselves for counselling of TS EAMCET 2021.

  • The candidates will have to submit their TS EAMCET 2021 hall ticket number and rank. Finally, the candidates will have to provide their signature to complete the registration process.

  • The candidates will be called in for document verification according to their secured ranks.

  • During the verification process of TS EAMCET 2021 Counselling, the Aadhaar card details of the candidates i.e., fingertip biometric will be verified with the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).

Watch this video to understand in detail all the steps:

Fees of TS EAMCET Counselling 2021:

Counselling Fee:

  • OC/ BC Category: Rs. 1200

  • SC/ ST Category: Rs. 600

Step 2 – Document Verification: After registration, all of the candidates will have to go through the verification of documents. The candidates will have to report for verification according to the candidate’s ranking in the entrance examination of TS EAMCET 2021.

  • The candidates will have to verify their details on the registration cum verification form.

  • The concerned authority has to be contacted if there is any discrepancy in the information provided.

  • For SC/ST/BC categories, the candidates will have to verify their original caste certificates from the caste verification officer and then report to the certification verification officers.

  • General category candidates will have to verify their documents from the certification verification officers.

  • After all of the documents are verified, the candidates will have to print out the receipt of the certificates.

  • Finally, after confirming the details the candidates will have to collect their option form.

Documents Required for Verification:

  • TS EAMCET 2021 Rank Card

  • TS EAMCET 2021 Hall Ticket

  • Aadhaar Card

  • S.S.C or its equivalent Mark Sheet

  • 6th standard to Inter Study Certificates

  • Transfer Certificate (T.C)

  • Intermediate or its equivalent Memo-cum-Pass Certificate

  • Income Certificate issued after 01.01.2017 if applicable.

  • Caste Certificate issued by a competent authority if applicable.

  • Residence certificate of either of parents in Telangana for a period of 10 years in case of Non-Local candidates.

  • Physically Challenged (PH) / Children of Armed Personnel (CAP) / NCC/Sports / Minority certificate if applicable.

  • Residence certificate in case where the candidate has no institutionalized education.

Documents Required by PH/CAP/NCC/Sports/Minority Candidates

  • PH-certificate issued by District Medical Board: Only candidates with 40% and above disability are considered eligible

  • CAP-certificate issued by Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer - Identity card and Discharge book (in case of Ex-Servicemen) and Service Certificate (in case of in service men) issued by Competent Authority for verification.

  • NCC & Sports - Original Certificates issued by competent authorities

  • Minorities - SSC TC containing Minority Status or Certificate from the headmaster

  • Anglo-Indian - Certificate issued by Tahsildar of their place of residence

Step 3 – Filling of Options: Next, the candidates will have to fill in their preferred colleges and courses in online mode. All of the selection has to be in the order of preference since allotment will be based on this factor. Watch this video to understand it better:

  • The candidates will have to click on “Candidate Registration”

  • For registration, the candidates will have to submit their ROC form number, TS EAMCET 2021 hall ticket number, rank and date of birth.

  • The password will be generated after the candidates are successfully registered. The candidates will have to log into their account using their login ID, hall ticket number, password and date of birth.

  • From the displayed options, the candidates will have to select their preferred choices of colleges and courses for admissions. The order of preference should be from higher to lower and the candidates will be able to choose as many options as they wish to.

  • Candidates should take the offline option entry form and fill their district code, course code and college code according to their preference.

  • After all of the options are selected, the candidates will have to logout. A print out of the selection options has to be taken for future reference.

Step 4 – Seat Allotment: After all of the options are confirmed, the seat allotment process will be conducted in online mode by the concerned authorities.

  • Allotment of seats will be done based on the choices made by the candidates during the option filling process.

  • Along with the choices made, the candidate’s merit, category, local area, special reservation category and more will also be accounted for by the authorities.

  • The allotment status will be informed to the candidates through SMS to their registered mobile number and will also be available in online mode. The selected candidates will have to log into their account and download their allotment order.

Step 5 – Reporting to Allotted Institutes and Payment of Tuition Fees: Finally the candidates will have to report at their allotted institutes to confirm their admissions.

  • The required tuition fees also have to be paid by the candidates before the determined final date.

  • If the candidates fail to confirm their admission, then their allotted seat will be cancelled.

If the Tuition Fee is Displayed Zero

  • During the payment process, if the applicants are shown the tuition fees to be paid as zero, then the candidates will have to log in and use the self-reporting system to accept the allotted seat.

  • Self Reporting means that the candidates have accepted the allotted seat with the submission of original documents at the allocated institute. By accepting this option, the candidates will also be able to participate in the further rounds of TS EAMCET 2021 counselling while keeping the allotted seat.

  • After clicking on “Accept my Joining”, the joining report along with the admission number will be generated. Print out of the joining report will have to be submitted to the allotted college along with the allotment letter.

If the Tuition Fee is not Displayed Zero

  • If the tuition fees to be paid by the candidates is not shown zero, then they will have to download the bank challan and pay the required fees at any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad. The receipt has to be kept safe for future reference.

  • After payment, the candidates will have to click on the “Self Reporting System”. If the fees have been paid then the challan number, fee amount, transaction ID and branch will be made available on the screen.

  • Click on “Accept my Joining”. The joining report and admission number of the candidates will be generated which has to be submitted at the respective college along with the allotted letter.

Participating in Further Rounds of TS EAMCET Counselling 2021:

Candidates will be able to freshly participate in the later rounds of TS EAMCET 2021 counselling. However, the candidates should not have participated in the previous round of counselling. The candidates will have to get their documents verified at the Help Line Centres.

Withdrawal of Seats:

To withdraw from the allotted seats, the candidates will have to cancel their admission before the final scheduled date. For admission withdrawal, the candidates will have to meet the Convenor in person.

Forgot Password?

If the candidates forget their password, they will have to click on “Forgot Password” in the login page. The registration number of TS EAMCET 2021, rank, hall ticket number, date of birth and registered mobile number has to be submitted. The new password will be sent to the registered mobile number of the candidate.

TS EAMCET 2021 Counselling Important Dates:



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